Saturday, March 10, 2012


I finally got alone with Elizabeth and proposed to her. As I said, i did not know at all what to say and just said what came to my mind first. I felt confident that she would still accept even though my proposal had not been the greatest; however, her reaction was not as expected. She immediately declined my offer and told me that since the first time she met me she knew that she would never even considered being married to me. Even though she declined me, I am still in love with her; however, she obviously does not feel the same.


  1. Mr. Darcy,
    I do feel it is my duty as one of your closest acquaintances to remind you of the advice you gave me. You made an able argument against the emotional pursuit of a lady of such class as Miss. Bennet and Elizabeth by gentleman of our standing. Do you not agree with your own word my good friend? Your marriage to Elizabeth would be a logistical nightmare, and therefore I strongly advise you, Mr. Darcy, to follow your own advice and quit this disadvantageous relationship while you have the chance. I would be happy to assist you in taming your emotions upon your return to Pemberly.

    With your best interests in mind,
    Charles Bingly

  2. Darcy, I am very sorry for my sister's refusal of your hand and I apologize on both of our behalves. She sometimes does not think about her actions, but I admire this factor about her. She just was trying to protect me as her sister in denying your proposal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Darcy, you are correct to think that I do not have feelings for you. Had I not shown that I did not have any feelings for you through my actions and words? I do believe that I did. That being stated, I do not believe that you should feel disappointed. I do have to say though, I was taken by surprise when you proposed to me. Considering the way that you treat me, I would not have expected that from you.
