Sunday, April 1, 2012

Elizabeth changes her mind!!!

Yes! Finally, Elizabeth does love me. I was walking alone with her and she thanked me for helping her find Lydia and I told her that I did it because Lydia is her sister. After I told her that, I said that my feelings for her have not changed since the proposal. She then told me that her feelings have changed and that she is now willing to marry me. I still cannot believe it.


  1. I have come to my senses, Mr. Darcy. I have finally seen the amiable man that you are. You have done a lot for my family and do not care whether or not we are of a lower status and that is admirable, considering what social status you family comes from. Of course I would be happy to marry you. I am after all in love.

  2. At first, I did not believe it, but them Lizzy explained all you have done and how you have change. I am happy for you and I hope you two are as happy together as Bingley and I are.
